Lal Kitab Varshphal (Annual) chart
In the Lal Kitab, the planets move in different houses as per their placement in natal chart and running Year. Each year each planet will change house.
Here is the table depicting Varshphal progression for first 20 years. Click here to see full table
As the planets change houses, their results also change according to houses, conjunctions and aspects.
Lets understand this concept with help of examples.
Example 1: Donal Trump
Birth chart
After his first term as the President of US, he suffered defeat in 2020 elections. Election held on November 3, 2020. He was running 75th year for him.
We notice that Jupiter is in the 10th house. As per Lal Kitab, Jupiter in the 10th house is considered as debilitated. 10th house as we know is the house of status, power, authority etc. Having a debilitated planet in the 10th house does not help in winning election or getting any position of authority. This Jupiter is aspected the Sun and Rahu (Lal Kitab aspect). Rahu's aspect on Jupiter will further cause problems.
We we check the roots of Jupiter, we find that Mercury is in 12th house hence again spoiling his Jupiter.
Ketu in the 3rd house hence it will aspect planets in 11th house and 9th house (Lal Kitab aspect). Here Ketu's aspect will fall on Saturn (profession) and Venus (Luxuries) in 11th house. We can see Ketu's aspect on Saturn caused break / change / dissatisfaction in his profession / career. He could not continue his presidency for second term.
Ketu will also aspect planets in the 9th house. We find Mars is in the 9th house. Since Mars and Ketu are enemies, Ketu will spoil his Mars. Mars is self, energy, anger.
What happened at Capitol hill on 6-Jan-2021 was due to bad Mars. Instigating violence is an act of bad Mars.
Lak Kitab Varshphal is a very powerful technique. Most of the Lal Kitab Astrologers will review the Varshphal chart during the consultation. People visit Lal Kitab astrologers to get remedies for each year based on Varshphal chart. Remedies done ahead save people from lot of troubles.